Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Trip . . . .

Last week Grace and I stayed with our Grampa and Gramma Klahn for several days. Here are some memorable pictures:

Grampa and Grace made breakfast

Those were some yummy pancakes!

They also did some puzzles (at least they started them, but they didn't quite finish them . . . )

Hmmmm, who could that be??!!

Grace and Gramma!! (every night they read books and snuggled before bed)

Grace did go sledding a little bit, but it was very coooold!!

On Thursday we went to town because Gramma had a loose filling, and we went out to lunch with a friend of hers, Nancy.

The day before we left we got out a snowmobile and were outside for a bit (it was still really cold!). Gramma took a picture of Grace and I out on the lake (the only place with enough snow).

Gramma and Grampa, thank you both SO MUCH for having us!! We had lots of fun, and hope to do it soon!!

For pictures of the quilt Gramma and I made, go to my blog.


Iron sharpeneth iron......Prov. 27:17 said...

Looks like some one had fun!! I love the pictures of Grace...the cutie!! :) Snowmobiling looks like a BLAST!!! :)

Iron sharpeneth iron......Prov. 27:17 said...

Everyone is standing behind me looking at the picture of you and Grace on the snowmobile saying "Aliisa!??! SNOWMOBILING?!!? No way!! She's too sweet!!!" Thought you'd get a kick out of that!! :) (pun intended)!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is funny!! I laughed really hard when I read that!!
