Sunday, May 20, 2007

Saturday afternoon!!

Yesterday was a GORGEOUS day, so we did some outside projects and had fun too!!

Our really big, really fun jungle gym. We set up our little plastic pool underneath the slide, and then hooked the hose up to the top of the slide. Then the little girls slid down into the pool.

Waiting . . . .

It took me several minutes to get the timing just right.
First I get their feet . . . .

Then after they've slid down . . . .

I FINALLY get the "perfect" shot!!

Elsie surprised us all by going down lots and lots



Thanks to Mom (for buying the line), Dad (for putting them up) and the trees in the backyard, we now FINALLY have clotheslines!!

"Mini" clotheslines for the little girls

Thanks to Zack, our entire lawn is now mowed (which is QUITE the job!)

He now realized I was taking pictures of HIM!

These pictures of trees are for Elizabeth!!

More trees (and lawn!)

A really really BIG tree!


Iron sharpeneth iron......Prov. 27:17 said...

Oh.....a post!! You just made my day!! I love those pictures of the neat!! And the girls look like they are having a total blast!!
Ah....gotta love those trees!! You are so sweet to put those pictures on for me!! :) Thanks!!
Lots of Love!

Anonymous said...

I like trees. They're pretty and fun to take pictures of! I got some cool shots when I was at my grandma's house and posted them a few weeks ago.
It looks like the little girls had a blast with the water-slide!!! Those are so much fun!!!

Beth said...

Ilove the trees too!!