Tuesday, December 04, 2007


I know, I know, I've been neglecting our family blog as of late. Actually, my own blog hasn't been getting much attention either! I am now going to be focusing solely on our family blog and taking a break from my own blog for an indefinite amount of time (possibly forever).

All that said, here are some pictures from the month of November!

Our little man is growing by leaps and bounds - hard to believe he's almost 4 months old already! He is such a good baby - all smiles!


The month of November also found us with much company! I believe the total was 3 weeks with company - 2 different sets which over-lapped each other.

First the Peterson family came from Michigan so their Mom could have neck surgery. They stayed for 9 days.

Corie & Jacob

Paul and Anja were buddies!

Scott, Mrs. Peterson & Corie

Benjamin, Mrs. Peterson & Elsie - her "nurses"!

Corie & Sarah

Our "sweeper"

How cute!

Kate & Grace did almost everything together!

Scott kept us in stitches with his humor and goofy faces!

Elsie and Benjamin were inseparable, doing everything together (well, almost everything!)

The loved to have tea parties - sometimes with real water, which usually resulted in a mess!

Our second set of company was our Aunt Jana and cousin Austin. They stayed for 16 days and we loved having them!

Austin & Emmy are best buds . . .

. . . . . and a bit goofy!

Cousin Tim & his wife Tracy came down for Ali's surprise party and we enjoyed seeing them for however brief a time!

The weekend of the party we had over 25 people in our house! Our Grandma and her sister, Toni were here for two nights and since we didn't have enough room they decided to share the couch! Actually, they were just goofing off - something they never do!)

Grandma & Aunt Toni - we love you!


Anonymous said...

Wow- what a surprise to come on the Klahn family blog and actually find a post!! But, I'm loving it!! :)
Great pictures, Ali-- thanks for sharing 'em!!
Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

Wow. It sure sounds like November was a busy month!!!

Anonymous said...

Ali, by the way, I really like the colors! Very nice!! I'll be looking forward to your posts!! (hint, hint!) :)
Love and Miss you TONS!