Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Well . . . .

I wish I had a really good, really dramatic reason for not posting: "Well, first our computer died, and we lost everything on our hard-drive. Then, we lost all internet connection for a whole month! After that, we couldn't access blogger.com for two weeks! Then, once we could get on blogger, we moved!"

Sadly, my one, lame excuse is that (for those of you who don't know) we've moved, and I haven't taken the time to do a post before or after! Now that we're getting in, I will hopefully be able to do another post in a day or two (I'm not making any promises though!).

Until then, here is a picture to leave you with!

Back: Aliisa (19), Isaac (17 1/2) and Zachary (16 1/2)
Middle: Elsie (4), Jacob (1) and Anja (2 1/2)
Front: Aleksandra (10 1/2), Emmelia (8) and Grace (6 1/2)


Iron sharpeneth iron......Prov. 27:17 said...

Ahhh---- a POST!! Yeah!! I'm SOOO excited!! Thank-you so much Ali!! I just love it!!
And I love your excuses!! They are so familiar!! :) Except, we haven't moved........:)
Oh and that is one totally awesome picture!! It's great! Except it makes me miss you all SO bad!! And, (and I know Ali can just hear me saying this already), Zack looks just a tad shaggy-- get the trimmer out Ali!! :) I'm mostly teasing, but you know me!! :)
I have such a bad case of Klahn-homesickness right now, it's just ridiculous!!
Was the picture taken in your new house??
Well, I'd better sign off before this comment turns into a letter!! Or a magazine!! :)
Love you!!

Klahn Family said...

I love your comments! They're so much fun to read - almost like talking to you, but not quite. :)

I know, I know, Zack was shaggy. Our hair-cutting stuff was packed up! I've given both him and Ike haircuts now, so they look better!

No, it was taken in our old house less than a week before we moved. Aleks took a bunch of pictures of our new house, and I'll hopefully be posting those at some point.

Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Your really funny Ali.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Well, "4th oldest Klahn girl", technically you're the "4th oldest KLAHN", because the 4th oldest klahn GIRL would be Grace!

Anonymous said...

lol,so nice