Monday, September 14, 2009

4th of July!

This year we went to the Hartford parade where Aliisa, Ike and Aleks square danced on a float and Zack walked with the Hartford Players handing out information for their play, The Wizard of Oz.

Waiting for the parade to start . . . . . and the candy!

Sweet Elsie!

Jack wasn't enjoying it.

It's starting!


Jake LOVED the tractors!

TWO tractors!

Here come the square dancers . . . . .

It was such a blast!

People we know!

Waving . . . . .

The old cars were really cool!

A camel!

Sweet car.

An old fire truck.

And a new one!

Dad - the picture-taker and kid-watcher.

Last (but not least) the flag cake - yum!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh, that was a lot of fun!!!! I hope we can do it again next year!!


~*~elizabeth said...

You got to square dance in a parade?! That would be so fun!! I've ALWAYS wanted to do that!!! (at least ever since I heard of such a thing.) Looks like you had a great time!
~*~Elizabeth W.