Sunday, November 22, 2009

"THE" Story

At the Ridge, in May.

It all started about 4 years ago, when I met the most beautiful young lady while square dancing. I was attracted to her from our first dance, so I started praying about her and observing her every chance I got. I was very careful to conceal my feelings, as I was young, and I didn't feel the Lord wanted me to disclose them.

After the first two years I resolved to ask her to dance at least one time per night and no more than one - unless the "need arose. :)

So, after keeping it to myself for two and a half years I finally told my mom my feelings, and she counseled me to keep seeking the Lord and his will.

At the Booth Brothers Concert in May

Eleven long months later, in the middle of February, I heard a still small voice telling me to talk to my parents about approaching her Dad. After a weekend of going back and forth, I finally talked to my parents. And to my surprise my mom told me that the Lord had impressed upon her heart to be praying about that specific thing for the last two weeks!

In Upper Michigan in August

A few days later my dad called Mr. Flater and set up an appointment to get together and talk the beginning of March. We met, and at the conclusion of the meeting he gave me his permission to contact his daughter. So, a few days later per his suggestion, I sent an e-mail to Amy, expressing my desire to start becoming better friends, with the intent towards building a long-term relationship if the Lord so led.

In Lower Michigan in June

After a couple days of praying, not feeling directed by the Lord, she responded saying she would be willing to start a friendship, but wasn't sure about a relationship. After a week and a half of us corresponding via e-mail I received an e-mail from Amy saying she now felt the Lord's peace about starting a relationship.

Cutting veggies for Ike's Graduation party in June

We met, and talked, and started officially courting on Thursday, April 2nd.

At the Galloway House in August

After three months of wonderful courtship, I met with Mr. & Mrs. Flater to ask them for their permission & blessing to ask their daughter to marry me. Mr. Flater wasn't sure if Amy was ready or not, so I left there waiting once again, trusting God and His plan.

At the Brewer Game in June

Three weeks later he contacted me and we set up another meeting. At the conclusion of that meeting I was given the permission I'd been waiting almost four years for, his blessing.

Up North in August

Later that week I went and with the input of my mom and Mrs. Flater, I bought a solitaire diamond engagement ring. On Saturday, August 1st, at sunset on Washington Island I proposed, and the same beautiful young lady I fell in love with consented to be my wife.

The past two and a half months have been very busy, with a lot of decisions and a lot to do. A lot of excitement, stress and hard work have gone into this short engagement, but the Lord is in control and has poured out His Love, Peace and Joy in never ending amounts.

At one of Amy's bridal showers in September

Our prayer from the beginning is that our lives and our story would be a testimony of who the Lord is, that HE may be glorified. Praise God!

~by Isaac Klahn


Aleks said...

Thanks for posting that Ali!!!

~*~elizabeth said...

Thank you Ali, for posting that. And Ike for writing it. And God for orchestrating it! What a wonderful testimony of things working together for good for those who love Him. And I really like the proposal picture with the sunset in the background - that's so beautiful!
God bless!
~*~Elizabeth W.

The Mayo Family said...

Blessings to you both as you spend a life serving the ONE who brought you together! Our Lord!
The Mayo Family