Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Family Christmas

This year on Christmas our family (except for maybe a couple people) came down with the 24-hour flu either on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day! Our original plans were canceled, and instead we had a very restful day at home.

Stockings are one of our very favorite traditions! Since the ones you typically find aren't big enough for all we like to put in them, I (Aliisa) made up a pattern for some extra-large stockings! We usually open them on Christmas Eve, but since Ike and Amy were coming on Christmas day we decided to wait for them.

Some of the gifts

Waiting to get opening!

Since they didn't want to get sick, Ike & Amy wore masks the whole time they were here. The "plus" side of it was that we didn't have to watch them kiss all the time ;)

A maglite - which every person needs if you own a vehicle!

It's always so fun to watch the little kids open their gifts!


Dad is always so creative!

"A" for Anja!


Ike & Amy gave her a book with lots of pictures from their wedding. It turned out so pretty, and we all love looking at it and remembering their special day! (speaking of wedding pictures, I still don't have any, but once I get some I will post them!)

Elsie and her new dress-up dress!

Robin Hood - yeah!

The rest of the day was spend sleeping, and watching new movies, and sleeping some more!


--aleks k. said...

Awww, that was so fun!!

HAHA!! That was hilarious when Ike and Amy were wearing the masks! :P

~*~elizabeth said...

We can sympathize with y'all... we have had the flu in some form on or around Christmas for the last 3 years! Had to laugh about the masks. :) Looking forward to the wedding pictures.
~*~Elizabeth W.

Anonymous said...

Fun pictures! Loved the masks! :)

Iron sharpeneth iron......Prov. 27:17 said...

I hate to be the one who always has to say this........but........Ike needs a haircut. Sorry dude!!
(Unless of course, his better half prefers the shaggy mop.) :)