Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Zoo fun

This summer I (Aliisa) took the younger kids to the Zoo for the day. Amy and the kids she babysat for were there too, along with several other friends. It was a long day, but lots of fun!!
Most of the kids in our group.

The monkeys were so fun to watch!

The kids loved watching them, too!

The bear had a nice idea - take a nap in the sunshine.
This turtle came over to say hi.


I think this was our whole group . . . . a couple people might be missing though.
The animals were very active that day, and the kids loved watching them roam about!

Tim was so sweet and showed Jack the animals.


Someone got sleepy!

The Butterfly Garden, which was absolutely gorgeous!!

Back: Rebekah and Elsie
Front: Anja, Anna, Sarah and Lily

Back: Emmy, Elizabeth, Rebekah and Grace
Front: Jacob, Anja, Anna, Sarah, Lily and Elsie

Cuties - Jake and Sarah
Good friends Emmy and Elizabeth.


Curly Pink Runner said...

Oh my word!! Jake and Jack are HUGE!! I can't believe how big they are!! It's been too long...........can't wait to see all of you in a couple of weeks!!
Thanks for the post Ali!

~*~elizabeth said...

I like it! I think I've been to that zoo before...